EXECUTIVE ORDER 13526: DISCLOSURE DOUBLE-SPEAK Executive Order 13526 was issued on December 29, 2009 by United States President Barack Obama . [1] It is one of a series of executive orders from US Presidents outlining how classified information should be handled. It revokes and replaces the previous Executive Orders in effect for this, which were EO 12958 (text) and EO 13292 (text) . As a component of the Obama Administration's initiative to improve transparency and open-access to the Federal Government and the information it produces formally introduced upon taking office in late January 2009 [2] and as a result of an agency-wide review and recommendation process ordered in May of that same year, [3] the issuance of EO 13526 was ultimately prompted by several factors.One factor was the large backlog of documents scheduled to be automatically declassified on December 31, 2009 and how to deal with that reality. [4] Another factor was delivering on a campaign ...
Showing posts from October, 2019
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CIA SITES NONHUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCE! Wow, talk about spooks! We now learn from the BLACK VAULT and a recently released government document that the CIA is siting nonhuman sources! Well if it ain't human then it pretty much has to be aliens! The blackvault.com released the following on their website: Sec. 3.3 Automatic Declassification. (b) An agency head may exempt from automatic declassification under paragraph (a) of this section specific information, the release of which should clearly and demonstrably be expected to: (1) reveal the identity of a confidential human source, a human intelligence source, a relationship with an intelligence or security service of a foreign government or international organization, or a nonhuman intelligence source; or impair the effectiveness of an intelligence method currently in use, available for use, or under development ; Did you get that part about NONHUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCE ? As a back story to this we need to ...
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UTAH CATTLE CRIMES Something very strange is going on in Utah. A number of cattle have recently been killed over multiple locations. Details are sketchy and conflicting. Crime scene photos are not readily available and authorities seem to be stumped as to a motive. From the Salt Lake Tribune we learn: Rancher Jay Tanner, who lives in the Grouse Creek area, found a dead cow Wednesday. He thought the death was suspicious — and likely caused by a shooting — because the animal died in an area partially concealed by willows trees, and said that while it showed signs of being eaten by a predator, the wounds weren’t at “a normal starting point on the carcass.” Mr. Tanner has released a photo of the slaughtered cow which is posted here. From this photo the cow's wounds bare a striking resemblance to many of the cattle mutilation victims. "Cattle and agricultural officials in Utah are offering a $2,000 reward for information that helps solve “malicious cattle deaths” that...
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UFO'S ARE TESTING OUR NAVY FIGHTERS! It is apparent that the U.S. Navy UFO video snippets that have been dribbled out through Tom DeLonge's private company, specifically the 'Tic-Tac' video was a smudged over, tiny snippet of the original. Former Navy personnel Jason Turner describes the original video as being approximately seven minutes long and very clear. He also describes the UFO as having "legs" protruding from the bottom. He goes on to describe the UFO's as possibly being Ultra Military equipment. The drive.com informs of us of a disturbing pattern in which these UFO's appear to be testing the Navy's newest battle capabilities. The Gimble UFO video is said to have come from one such incident. In this case the Navy was testing a state of the art radar system off of the east coast in 2014. We are informed: But the Times' story doesn't mention that between 2014 and 2015, Graves and Accoin, and all the other personnel assigne...
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NOT ONE DROP OF BLOOD Three months later and the Oregon Cattle Mutilation case remains unsolved. One particularly disturbing fact has emerged. The crime scene contains no blood. That's correct, not a single drop of blood is present at the spot where a 2,000 pound bull was found slaughtered. Crimeonline.com reports: This summer wasn’t the first time cattle were found mysteriously dead, area ranchers said. Andie Davies told NPR that one of her cows was found in a similar manner two years ago: Mutilated and completely drained of blood. She said she and her husband studied the area for track marks but found nothing.“Everything you do leaves tracks,” she said. Another rancher recalled a similar incident in the 1980s. He said his mother’s cow was found dead with an udder cut off.“And not one drop of blood,” he said. From reference.com we learn that '...it is generally accepted that the blood volume of cattle is an average of 55 milliliters per kilo gram.' Given that the ...
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FIVE STAGES OF UFO DISCLOSURE For the purpose of this discussion I am not talking about official disclosure for I do not believe any government on Earth has the capacity for disclosure if by that term you mean a revelation of the truth. Any so called disclosure by any government will be a means for them to control the narrative, undoubtedly a false narrative. I would explain this by saying that government lies to maintain the public order or power but that may be to simple for I believe that sometimes governments just lies for the sake of lying. For the purpose of this discussion disclosure refers to that moment when a person comes face to face with the reality of UFO's. It is that moment when the physical facts demand to be reckoned with and swamp gas just doesn't cut it anymore. Disclosure like grief does have its own process. As the mind lets go of the old reality and embraces the new one denial has to fall away. Certain stages must be gone through. ...
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UFO DOGFIGHT DOWN UNDER Today news.com.au brings us the story of a UFO dogfight down under from 1980. The Australian publication informs us: "Nearly 40 years ago, Phil Tindale believes he witnessed what can only be described as an air battle between two UFOs — which ended with one crashing to earth.It was about 9.30pm on Thursday, February 7, 1980, and he was at home in the South Australian town of Aldgate when his twin brother Rob called out from his bedroom, “Phil, come and check this out.” We are further informed: "From their window looking down the valley towards Stirling, about 20 minutes southeast of Adelaide, the 10-year-olds saw a bright yellow object “bobbing around” just above the tree line, about 1km away.After a few minutes, Phil says a second, slightly larger object appeared emitting a red light. In what he describes as almost cartoon-like motion, it “zoomed up” to the yellow object, stopped and reversed, then did it again “as if to prompt a reaction”.The ye...
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TTSA STRIKES UFO GOLD WITH ARMY CONTRACT! Well who would have thought? A famous rock star, some rich folks, and bunch of retired deep-staters get together and form a UFO research company. The next thing you know they're cherry picked to get amazing Navy video proving UFO's exists while U.S. Congressmen and the taxpayers are told to 'suck it'! Now we learn those former government employees are given a government contract to test UFO material in conjunction with the U.S Army. Material mind you that we have been told for decades didn't exist. Before I get into the article it should be noted that a TTSA rep, Louis Elizondo has already appeared on Tucker Carlson's show and flat out stated that some of the UFO meta-material they have comes from government sources. You can read about that and link to the youtube video here . You can also link to my podcast on this subject here . The point being, when UFO disclosure and UFO evidence is turned over to a private co...
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DEEP STATE OR DEEP SPACE? The Daily Star reports : A professor has claimed the mystery object seen above Orlando is part of a "covert fleet" being created for the Space Force. As many UFO enthusiast are aware a number of cigar shaped or snake like UFO's have recently been sighted across the United States. So far these strange craft, or whatever they are, have remained unidentified. Now the Daily Star reports they may have found a Professor who claims to have the answer. In reference to video showing one of these UFO's we are told: "Dr Salla – an Assistant Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Washington DC – told this site he believes the craft is linked to the military's Space Force." Salla goes on to state in the article, “I believe it is a hybrid air, sea, space vehicle developed by a major US corporation for a USAF-run secret space program,”. Salla then makes another statement which I find both interes...
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OUTER BANKS N.C. LIGHTS The Outer Banks are a 200-mile-long (320 km) string of barrier islands and spits off the coast of North Carolina and southeastern Virginia , on the east coast of the United States . They cover most of the North Carolina coastline, separating Currituck Sound , Albemarle Sound , and Pamlico Sound from the Atlantic Ocean .The Outer Banks are a major tourist destination and are known around the world for their wide expanse of open beachfront . The Cape Hatteras National Seashore has four campgrounds open to visitors. [1] The treacherous seas off the Outer Banks and the large number of shipwrecks that have occurred there have given these seas the nickname Graveyard of the Atlantic . The video of the Outer Banks UFO's in its original form is posted on an account by the name of William Buy. It is the only video listed on the account. It was posted on September 28, 2010 and as of the writing of this blog post it has over 1.4...
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ONE TRILLION WATTS "In 2018, approximately 4.2 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity were generated in the United States." The Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona is the largest nuclear power plant in the United States with three reactors and a total electricity generating capacity1 of about 3,937 MW. (3.037 billion kilowatts. '...a typical marine propulsion reactor produces no more than a few hundred megawatts.' The U.S. Navy has something on a slightly grander scale planned. They are reportedly looking toward a compact power plant that can produce one trillion watts of power. You heard right. That's one fourth as much power as was created by the United States power grid last year. That's an awful lot of light bulbs! According to futurism.com: 'a navy researcher just patented a compact nuclear fusion reactor that could allegedly fit inside of a vehicle'. We are further informed: 'Salvatore Cezar Pais, the engineer who a...
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NASA: LIFE ON MARS? Has NASA already discovered life on Mars and chose not to tell us? We recently learned that "Chief scientist for NASA Jim Green predicts that within the next two years the space agency and its European partners will find definitive proof of alien life on Mars, says: “We’re close”. He also says mankind is not “prepared for the results” of what that reality will mean." Green goes on to say: During an interview with the Express, Green talked about the gravity of such a monumental discovery as finding indisputable evidence of life on Mars.“It will be revolutionary,” Green said regarding finding proof of Martian life forms.“It’s like when Copernicus stated ‘no we go around the Sun’,” Green continued. “It will start a whole new line of thinking.”Naturally, such a discovery is going to challenge a variety of beliefs – including those of various religions.“I don’t think we’re prepared for the results,” Green said, “we’re not.”The physicist also understands t...
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NAVY UFO PATENT The U.S. Navy has filed for and received patents for machines look like they are from out of this world! Aircraft that defy gravity, travel at super high speeds through air and water, and maneuver like no man made aircraft are what is described in the said patents. To top things off the Navy's top brass got involved when the patent clerk bulked at approving the applications writing them an official letter explaining that the U.S. was in direct competition with China for the new technology and that it was urgent that the patents be approved. The drive.com headline reads: " Docs Show Navy Got 'UFO' Patent Granted By Warning Of Similar Chinese Tech Advances" One patent '... describes a "hybrid aerospace-underwater craft" claimed to be capable of truly extraordinary feats of speed and maneuverability in air, water, and outer space alike...' The key were told is ' ...revolutionary electromagnetic propulsion system....
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NAVY PILOT REPORTS USO David Fravo, former navy pilot who blew the whistle on the UFO Navy coverup was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast. While there he relayed another shocking sighting. This time the object was not a UFO but a USO, an Underwater Submersible Object. The discussion begins at about 55 minutes into the podcast. “The helo drops a swimmer in the water, he hooks the whole thing up and they fly back,” Fravor said. “The first time they were out and they were going to pick up a BQM, he’s sitting in the front—in the CH-53 you can see down by your feet—and as he’s looking down, they’re 50 feet (15 metres) above the water, he sees this kind of dark mass coming up from the depths.” As the pilot picked up the BQM, he was apparently at a loss for words. “He’s looking at this thing going, ‘What the hell is that?’ And then it just goes back down underwater. Once they pull the kid and the BQM out of the water, this object descends back into the depths.”One dark mass ...
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FIRE FROM THE SKY IN CHILE Fireballs fell from the sky in the South American country of Chile leaving behind patches of burned grass and debris. futurism.com reports: "Mysterious balls of fire rained down in seven locations on a Chilean island last week and astronomers have no idea what they are.Small flaming objects were first spotted on September 25, crash landing on the island of Chiloe in southern Chile, CNET reports. The objects were still so hot from their descent through Earth’s atmosphere, they started a series of small fires." livescience.com reports: 'On Sept. 28, the geologists released their official assessment : None of the seven sites contained traces of meteorite . Since the mysterious objects weren't meteors, logic dictates that they must have been wayward space junk....' brg.com points out: "Still, the fact that no obvious debris was spotted near any of the fiery crash sites is odd. If it was indeed manmade debris, and it su...