Well who would have thought? A famous rock star, some rich folks, and bunch of retired deep-staters get together and form a UFO research company. The next thing you know they're cherry picked to get amazing Navy video proving UFO's exists while U.S. Congressmen and the taxpayers are told to 'suck it'! Now we learn those former government employees are given a government contract to test UFO material in conjunction with the U.S Army. Material mind you that we have been told for decades didn't exist.

Before I get into the article it should be noted that a TTSA rep, Louis Elizondo has already appeared on Tucker Carlson's show and flat out stated that some of the UFO meta-material they have comes from government sources. You can read about that and link to the youtube video here. You can also link to my podcast on this subject here. The point being, when UFO disclosure and UFO evidence is turned over to a private company it is being kept from the public. UFO evidence captured or found by the government is government property and should be kept in the public trust. Surely there are competent scientist at some public University that could study this material. However, were that to happen this material would be subject to FOIA request and the general public might finally find out how much they are being lied to.

The GIZMODO head line reads: Uh... The Army Just Contracted With Tom DeLonge's UFO Group to Study Those 'Alien Alloys'

 It seems clear from the article that Mr. DeLonge and company's primary purpose for this contract is to team up with the U.S. Army and find military uses for the UFO meta material they possess.

Specifically as the article points out the contract concerns research in the very areas that the Navy recently applied and received patents for, the contract reads in part: "Perform assessments, testing, and characterization of Collaborator-provided technologies. The Government is interested in a variety of the Collaborator’s technologies, such as, but not limited to inertial mass reduction, mechanical/structural metamaterials, electromagnetic metamaterial wave guides, quantum physics, quantum communications, and beamed energy propulsion.”

We further learn: The contract also states that TTSA’s interest in the CRADA lies in obtaining third party assessments of how its technology performs in “Army ground vehicle environments and benchmark that capability against existing technology capabilities.” 

And finally we should note that we are told:  '...the government lists “materiel technologies” that TTSA has agreed to provide, hinting that in addition to metamaterials, TTSA claims to have performed research on quantum communications and may possess prototypes of beamed energy propulsion vehicles and “active camouflage and directed photon projection” systems:'

 And back to my point about what Mr. Elizondo said on Tucker Carlson's show, “The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) can share historical reports of findings and origin of materiel solutions in the possession of the Collaborator.” 

The author of the GIZMODO article seems to allude to the notion that some of this material may have come for the AATIP Pentagon  UFO reporting program. AATIP is he organization that Elizondo claims to have worked for. THE INTERCEPT reports otherwise:

'Yes, AATIP existed, and it “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena,” Pentagon spokesperson Christopher Sherwood told me. However, he added: “Mr. Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI [the Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence], up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017.”That directly contradicts an email sent by a spokesperson for To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, a UFO research and entertainment company that Elizondo joined after he left the Defense Department.'


 The plot thickens. In summary we have a private company staffed by former government employees who have in part, according to them, secured UFO meta-material from government sources and our now teaming up with the U.S. Army to build in effect what would be a superweapon. So much for free energy, love and songs around the campfire.











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