"In 2018, approximately 4.2 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity were generated in the United States."

The Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona is the largest nuclear power plant in the United States with three reactors and a total electricity generating capacity1 of about 3,937 MW. (3.037 billion kilowatts. 

'...a typical marine propulsion reactor produces no more than a few hundred megawatts.'

The U.S. Navy has something on a slightly grander scale planned. They are reportedly looking toward a compact power plant that can produce one trillion watts of power. You heard right. That's one fourth as much power as was created by the United States power grid last year. That's an awful lot of light bulbs!

According to 'a navy researcher just patented a compact nuclear fusion reactor that could allegedly fit inside of a vehicle'.

We are further informed:
'Salvatore Cezar Pais, the engineer who also patented room-temperature superconductors for the Navy, was granted a patent for a small nuclear fusion reactor capable of generating anywhere from 1 billion to 1 trillion watts'.

 Some may question whether it is even possible to create such a power plant. As the author of a recent article on points out in their remarks: '...supplemental documents in the USPTO’s databases that seem to imply that Navy leadership knows that these technologies are actually feasible – or that they want us or someone else to think that they are.'

The Navy scientist behind the patents also presents a mystery. As the article informs us:
Little information can be found about Salvatore Cezar Pais; he has virtually no web presence. What is known is that he received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999 and that he currently works as an aerospace engineer for NAWCAD at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland – the Navy’s top aircraft test base.

What we do know is that Pais has filed some other interesting patents that appear to be based on other worldly technology. For instance, a High frequency gravitational wave generator that involves ... A high frequency gravitational wave generator including a gas filled shell with an outer shell surface, microwave emitters, sound generators, and acoustic vibration resonant gas-filled cavities.'

Another is the:  Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor  that "The present invention is a room temperature superconductor comprising of a wire, which comprises of an insulator core and a metal coating."

Finally a patent that involves a  Craft using an inertial mass reduction device.  and a High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator where '...propagating gravitational field fluctuations are generated when the second electromagnetic field propagates through the first electromagnetic field.'

 What we're looking at is a blueprint for a UFO! Theses patents taken together describe a craft that appears to solve wiring issues that occur at extreme speed with room temperature superconductors, a motor that produces a trillion watts of power, a gravitational wave generator that enables it to make out of this world maneuvers and the ability to reduces its own mass by manipulating gravity.

Whether these recent patents represent disclosure or disinformation remains to be seen. One thing is for certain though, the Navy has their eyes on the stars.







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