Has NASA already discovered life on Mars and chose not to tell us? We recently learned  that "Chief scientist for NASA Jim Green predicts that within the next two years the space agency and its European partners will find definitive proof of alien life on Mars, says: “We’re close”. He also says mankind is not “prepared for the results” of what that reality will mean." Green goes on to say:During an interview with the Express, Green talked about the gravity of such a monumental discovery as finding indisputable evidence of life on Mars.“It will be revolutionary,” Green said regarding finding proof of Martian life forms.“It’s like when Copernicus stated ‘no we go around the Sun’,” Green continued. “It will start a whole new line of thinking.”Naturally, such a discovery is going to challenge a variety of beliefs – including those of various religions.“I don’t think we’re prepared for the results,” Green said, “we’re not.”The physicist also understands that what NASA and the ESA find could literally shake the worldview of many people around the globe.“I’ve been worried about that because I think we’re close to finding it and making some announcements,” Green added.

One has to ask if the public would be disillusioned by the discovery of life on Mars because it didn't fit into their religious paradigm or they would be disillusioned and angry with NASA about being deceived and lied to for so many years. One can imagine that the public will not be shaking their first toward the sky but towards Washington D.C.  and NASA itself for the nearly century long UFO cover up that they the American people have been subjected to.

In an op-ed published in Scientific American titled 'I’m Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s' former NASA scientist Gilbert Levin writes that  a mission to Mars was the first concrete example of biological life on other planets.

Levin points to a pair of missions in 1976 when NASA sent its Viking Landers 1 and 2 to Mars - the agency's first-ever trip to the Red Planet.While there, the landers took several samples from the Martian soil in an attempt to search contents for signs of biological life.One of the tests called the Labeled Release life detection experiment, which was spearheaded by Levin, involved combining martian soil samples with organic compounds and then looking for signs of carbon dioxide.Any microorganisms that were present in the soil would have metabolized the compound and released CO2, says Levin Shockingly, the tests initially turned up a significant four positive results and we duplicated by both landers located 4,000 miles apart on the planet..

While that may sound like a sound like a slam dunk we learn that:Despite the initial success, however, further experimentation from NASA turned up empty-handed when NASA searched for specific microorganisms. According to the agency, the tests 'provided no clear evidence for the presence of living microorganisms in soil near the landing sites.'

We might think that NASA would send along some life detecting equipment for the next mission to Mars, scheduled in 2020, but as the referenced article informs us; that is not to be the case.

This leaves some lingering questions. Does NASA know that there is life on Mars but refuses to tell us or are they simply being prudent and conducting their research under the most stringent scientific conditions. If NASA really does know the answer about the existence of life on Mars then why are they allowing some of their current and former top scientist to claim there such life without at least making some kind of statement of fact.  Is NASA engaging in some kind of soft disclosure through leaks or are they busy covering up the news because they believe we can't handle the truth?


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