Executive Order 13526 was issued on December 29, 2009 by United States President Barack Obama.[1] It is one of a series of executive orders from US Presidents outlining how classified information should be handled. It revokes and replaces the previous Executive Orders in effect for this, which were EO 12958 (text) and EO 13292 (text).

 As a component of the Obama Administration's initiative to improve transparency and open-access to the Federal Government and the information it produces formally introduced upon taking office in late January 2009[2] and as a result of an agency-wide review and recommendation process ordered in May of that same year,[3] the issuance of EO 13526 was ultimately prompted by several factors.One factor was the large backlog of documents scheduled to be automatically declassified on December 31, 2009 and how to deal with that reality.[4] Another factor was delivering on a campaign promise.[5]These latest regulations, at the time, went into full effect on June 25, 2010 except for sections 1.7, 3.3, and 3.7, which were effective immediately on December 29, 2009.[6][7] [8]

 EO 13526 restated the authorized list of designees who can originate classification, in effect rescinding any previous designations made by officials or agency heads to subordinates.A significant provision of EO 13526 is the creation of the National Declassification Center. The major focus is the idea that information should become declassified systematically as soon as practicable. Specific time limits are mentioned for different kinds of information, but there is also the provision that information that still needs to be classified can stay classified. Mechanisms are outlined for periodic reevaluation of the need to classify information, even if the result of the evaluation is to keep the information classified. 

If you were confused as to whether the proceeding paragraphs came from the Deep State, the The National Democrat Party, or Wikipedia you are forgiven. The said paragraphs were found on Wikipedia's website but could have been dribbled out by any of the the those three. 

Did you get that part about being declassified as soon as possible? What a sick joke. So that's why the blackvault.com can only get almost completely blank pages when they ask about a UFO sighting from 1975?! Yep that's real transparency. 

And let's not forget the part about 'nonhuman intelligence sources'. Just what is that gobbledygook supposed to mean anyway? At the very least it means they are considering artificial intelligence as a primary source. So now if A.I. accuses you of espionage for reporting a UFO it's game over? 

And to think that was from a  President who promised his administration would be the most open in history. So what did he do? In his first year in office he created a law with the stroke of a pen that would prevent UFO disclosure for decades if not permanently. That my friends is not transparency and it is not disclosure. Not being able to read a report on a UFO sighting from the USSR in 1975 is simply ridiculous.

President Obama gave blanket cover to the Deep State actors. The same Deep State actors who now claim to want to work with people like Tom DeLonge in an effort unlock the secrets of UFO meta-material, all for the good of mankind no doubt. Not quite, they're going to build a tank first. Meanwhile Mr. DeLonge and his former Deep State employees will be free to profit wildly from their new found UFO pot of gold.

And if this isn't enough nonsense for one blog post I have to point out that former Deep Staters are making tour on the lucrative lecture circuit tells us how child like and ignorant we are for considering the possibilities that UFO's are real. 

Fox4kc.com brings us this enlightening tidbit: 

 One CIA historian says what was happening in Area 51 was very secret and very cool. 

 "It wasn't aliens. It was just us," Dr. Brent Geary said.He visited Park University on Wednesday to break down secrets in and around the highly classified U.S. Air Force Base."We were building very fast planes that flew very high, and it lead to a spike in UFO sightings," Geary said. 

Geary goes on to say:
"Air traffic controllers, they’re seeing something at 70,000 feet in the sky," Geary said. "No-one has told air traffic controllers there was something 70,000 feet in the sky. So now they’re reporting what they’re seeing."

This is where I have to call complete bull crap! Air traffic controllers were actually reporting a UFO sitting directly over the airport in Chicago and China not 70,000 feet up and dozens off of abductees who have had implants removed were not reporting U-2 spy planes! 

Wow, this is the nonsense they are spouting at Universities across the United States in response to a very real UFO phenomena. 

While the CIA informs us that they can not declassify 44 year old reports of UFO sightings because in part it may compromise one of their "nonhuman intelligence sources" One of their historians is making the rounds telling us to go back to sleep as we only saw top secret spy plane and UFO's were never real.

If my trust meter is a little on the low side please forgive me.














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