Today news.com.au brings us the story of a UFO dogfight down under from 1980. The Australian publication informs us: "Nearly 40 years ago, Phil Tindale believes he witnessed what can only be described as an air battle between two UFOs — which ended with one crashing to earth.It was about 9.30pm on Thursday, February 7, 1980, and he was at home in the South Australian town of Aldgate when his twin brother Rob called out from his bedroom, “Phil, come and check this out.”

We are further informed: "From their window looking down the valley towards Stirling, about 20 minutes southeast of Adelaide, the 10-year-olds saw a bright yellow object “bobbing around” just above the tree line, about 1km away.After a few minutes, Phil says a second, slightly larger object appeared emitting a red light. In what he describes as almost cartoon-like motion, it “zoomed up” to the yellow object, stopped and reversed, then did it again “as if to prompt a reaction”.The yellow object then “took off” with the red object in pursuit. They zigzagged across the sky like two “blowflies”, changing direction instantly with no apparent inertia and covering distances he later estimated to be up to half a kilometre in less than a second.Throughout the “chase”, which Phil says lasted several minutes, the yellow object would periodically stop in mid-flight and shake back and forth “as if caught by some invisible force” before freeing itself."

The yellow UFO does indeed seems to have been on the losing end of this conflict as another eyewitness reported seeing it after it crash landed in the tops of some trees near his house. The article referenced reports that on the same night 'a 21 year old farm hand reported to the police that he had seen a "speedboat shaped yellow thing" in some trees near the horse farm where he worked.' We further learn that upon examination damage was reported to the trees at approximately 100 feet off of the ground and high infra red readings were documented by Australian International UFO Research Group led by C.O. Norris.

From the nz herald we learn: "Mr Browne shone the flashlight into the trees and saw the object, which was "about 25 to 30 feet long" and was not emitting and sound or light. He called police but the object had disappeared by the time they arrived."

  Looking at this sighting in totality it seems that the young brothers, Phil and Rob Tindale, actually witnessed a UFO dogfight while an independent witness, Daryl Browne, observed the injured UFO fighter from that encounter lodged 100 foot above the ground in the tops of some nearby trees. Based on the police report and a follow up independent UFO investigation the witness testimony is corroborated as it seems that the temporarily disabled UFO left behind not only broken tree branches but unusually high infrared readings before it managed to repair itself and leave the scene.



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