Wow, talk about spooks! We now learn from the BLACK VAULT and a recently released government document that the CIA is siting nonhuman sources! Well if it ain't human then it pretty much has to be aliens!

The released the following on their website:

Did you get that part about NONHUMAN INTELLIGENCE SOURCE? As a back story to this we need to point out (as covered on his website) that John Greenwald of the had made a FOIA request for Executive Order 13526 on July 17, 2018. The name of the order is listed as (TITLE DELETED)-USSR-UFO SIGHTINGS-SOMEONE MUST HAVE MADE A POLITICAL DECISION.

I suppose it's never a good sign when the first words of the response letter to your FOIA  request are 'title deleted'. 

Greenwald explains what led up to this startling revelation:

 "The following document was just one of thousands of pages on UFOs released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In July of 2018, I requested a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request on the record, since it had been many years since its last review, and it remained heavily redacted."

 So a well known and widely respected UFO investigator who runs a very popular and highly respected website asks for an unredacted version of a 44 year old Executive Order about UFO sightings and the CIA says no way. Why not? Well one of the potential reason why not was listed as 'nonhuman intelligence sources'. Nonhuman as in elves? Tooth Fairies? Santa Clause? I'm thinking E.T.

Greenwald has posted copies of the nearly completely redacted version of the document he requested. He also posted a screenshot form the CIA CREST Database in regard to said document. A copy of that screenshot is posted here and can be found on the

It will be helpful to break down some of the facts. First of all what is an Executive Order?  

An executive order is a directive from the President that has much of the same power as a federal law. (

Secondly we learn the Executive Oder was in regard to UFO's sightings. We can see that the document was three pages in length and was classified as 'U'. I found that there was no such classification as 'unclassified' but didn't find out what the 'U' stood for. Any enlightenment would be appreciated. 

The document was published on April 4, 1975. This means that the Executive Oder would have been issued by President Ford. Remember it was Ford who as a young Congressman from Michigan requested a UFO inquiry from the Federal Government at the insistence of his constituents.  

We also see that the second almost completely redacted version was released on April 5, 1989 under President George Bush, former head of the CIA.

Now the third nearly totally redacted version is all we are being given after more then 44 years. What truly complicates this episode is that the CIA is siting the possibility of blowing the cover of a 'nonhuman intelligence source' as a reason for not releasing the unredacted version of this Executive Order on UFO's.

Inquiring minds may want to know but for now they'll have to wait.












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