CATTLE CRIMES DOWN UNDER More cattle mutilations have been reported, this time on Cloverly Station cattle ranch in north west Queensland, Australia. We are told that this is an 1100 Brahman-cross herd cow operation located on a14,600km property, which is about 15k from the Eungalla Dam. For us Americans that equates to 9,072 square miles! Or ranch that is roughly 95 miles by 95 miles or 60,800 acres. That's right, we are talking about a cattle ranch that's bigger then some small countries. If you're thinking that that much land cost a fortune you would be right. From this BUSINESS INSIDER article from 2011 we learn that a cattle ranch in the same part of the country and about the same size had an asking price of over ten million dollars. Suffice it to say the husband and wife who the Cloverly Station, cattle ranch, are by no mean unsophisticated subsistence farmers. These are in fact sophisticated, highly skilled agribusiness owners who wouldn't be...
Showing posts from September, 2019
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NEO NON-DISCLOSURE Once again NASA demonstrates they are 'on top of it' by letting us know a day ahead of time that earth could be struck by a 300 foot wide near earth object, or NEO, traveling at 20,900 mph. This according to the U.K. publication, EXPRESS . Lucky for us we were given a good fifteen or twenty hours notice that our planet was within a million and half miles of a possible extinction event. Based on the recent attempted cover up by the powers that be of the Navy's UFO tape and the collusion in that cover up by the mass media I don't plan to get any notice of the next NEO earth collision from either NASA or CNN or the rest of the talking heads. First though let us define what an NEO is: near-Earth object (Noun) An asteroid, comet or large meteoroid whose orbit intersects Earth's orbit, especially those which pose a collision danger. So we can imagine this as any object roughly the size of football field that is crossing the earths...
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IS AREA 51 GOING UNDERGROUND? At least one UFO investigator thinks Area 51 could be going underground. The reports regarding the top secret military base that: According to alien theorist and Ufologist Scott Waring, who runs the alien website and his own YouTube channel, he has discovered what looks like a newly-built underground base in the controversial government property. The article goes on to quote Waring as saying: “I found something in Area 51 that appears to be a newly-built underground base. But why would the US government need another underground base there?” Waring goes on to claim that he discovered an anomaly on Google Maps located approximately 50 to 55 miles northeast of the official boundaries of the base. The article states: he also commented that the underground area has very complex, sliding doors. “These would be the perfect location for UFOs to arrive and leave, and it is very possible for another area to open-up...
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GOVERNMENT HAS UFO MATERIAL! The U.S. Government is reportedly storing metal alloy from UFO encounters! At least according to Tucker Carlson as reported at the beginning of the video. While the fact that the U.S. Government actually has in its possession material from UFO encounters would seem to be a major revelation it doesn't seem to get that much attention in this report. Perhaps Tucker slipped this knowledge in under the nose of the news controllers. My instinct is that Tucker Carlson is a genuinely honest reporter and is doing everything in his power to disclose the truth to the masses. It is hard to believe a revelation that the government has been storing UFO encounter material happened nearly two years ago while only in the past couple of weeks the U.S. Navy has admitted that UFO's are real. In spite of these bombshell revelations the media lambastes anyone who even speculates about the possibilities of UFO's visiting earth as cooks and conspiracy...
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OREGON CATTLE CRIME REMAINS UNSOLVED Oregon's recent cattle mutilation remains a mystery but that does not seem to prevent law enforcement from mocking the curious who voice their opinion. While authorities put forth theories based on roving bands of cow killers who leave no tracks and use poison darts to drop their victims on the spot they heap scorn on citizens who ask about that the possibility of UFO's or alien involvement in said crimes. A recent article published on the COAST TO COAST AM website clearly demonstrates the disdain for citizens who have the audacity to suggest that some outside entity might be responsible for the recent cattle mutilations in Oregon. In light of a completely absent working theory for the crimes on the part of law enforcement one might wonder why they seem to be spending as much time debunking UFO theories as they are coming up with working ideas of their own. This dismissive attitude in the referenced article can be found reprinted he...
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ARE THE AREA 51 ALIENS AT BASE S4? According to Wikipedia Robert Scot Lazar was born in Coral Gables, on January 26, 1959. Wikipedia also tells us that Lazar '... is an American businessman, film processor, pyrotechnician, and owner of United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies. Lazar is primarily known for his claims of being hired in the late 1980s to reverse engineer purported extraterrestrial technology at a secret site called S-4...' Now this bit about Mr. Lazar takes us to our next observation and it may seem like splitting hairs to some but Lazar claims to have done his UFO engineering work at a secret military installation called S4 and if people are going to storm a secret military base in search of space aliens wouldn't it make sense to at least storm the base where Lazar said space aliens and their craft reside?! In a Forbes interview with MUFON Executive Director Jon Harzan he had this to say when asked about Area 51: JH: Area 51 i...
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ZOMBIES MEET ALIENS, SORT OF Judging from the video below one can not be sure the aliens, if they exist would even want to meet the zombies, I mean humans who are lined up at the gate to Area 51 and hanging out in the nearby towns. From videos posted on YouTube they seem more interested in indulging in Nevada's newly legalized weed and taking selfie's then investigating UFO's or aliens. According to CBS news online Hiko, Nev. — About 75 people arrived early Friday at a gate at the once-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada at the exact time appointed by an internet hoaxster to "storm" the facility to see space aliens. One person was arrested and one person was detained by sheriff's deputies early Friday. The article goes on to quote County Sheriff Kerry Lee as saying about 1500 people had showed up to the various sites. Keeping in mind that Area 51 is about a three hour drive from Las Vegas it is still within reach for any zombie w...
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NAVY ADMITS UFO'S ARE REAL! After decades of denial the United States Navy has finally admitted UFO's or what they call Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP are real. Wouldn't you know it they would have to change the name of the things before they admit they were real. Before we move on let's take a minute to look at what the navy is doing here. They are changing the very definition of what a UFO is! No longer are we talking about objects, we are talking about Phenomena. So is it a space ship or is it heat lightening?! By throwing UFO out the window and labeling these 'things' UAP's the Navy is free to make up whatever nonsense they wish to explain them away. 100 years of denial cannot be swept under the rug by simply changing the last two letters of an acronym. Tucker Carlson and Nick Pope attempt to break down what the Navy is up to and Nick maybe gives the best reason for the Navy's lack of disclosure when he says towa...
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DUTCH YOUTUBER'S GOING TO JAIL! Storming Area 51 with cameras turned out to be not such a good idea for a couple of YouTuber's from the Netherlands. As was reported in an earlier podcast the two Dutchmen had bonded out of jail for $500 and were facing what one of the men called a 'lawsuit'. Both seemed agitated and annoyed that they were arrested and facing American Justice. Subsequently FOX NEWS has reported: " Govert Sweep, 21, and Ties Granzier, 20, were sentenced to one year in jail with all but 10 days suspended after they pleaded guilty to trespassing and illegal parking, both misdemeanor charges." The illegal parking charges seems to stem from the fact that according to the article they were parked three miles inside the military base! They must not have been double parked though because all but three days of the ten days they were to serve under the plea agreement have been suspended. The article goes on to report: The pair told police...
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WHAT IS TTSAAS? To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science Also known as TTSAAS was started by former rock band Blink 182 founder Tom DeLonge who, according to the TTSASS website linked above, recruited any number of former members of the alphabet agencies to join his group in pursuit of UFO disclosure. Mr. DeLonge explains that back in 2014 he founded a media company called TO THE STARS. From this original creation sprang what would become To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science. De Long claims that 'through a series of meetings he was connected to a group of people from the CIA, Department of Defense, and Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works.' Delonge and TTSAAS plan to change the world through Entertainment, Aerospace, and Science. DeLonge holds lofty goals for achievements in all three of these areas. He seems to believe that through movies, television, and fiction his company can somehow lift and expand human conciseness. He claims to be using lase...
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NAVY SAYS NOT SO FAST! According to an article published Sept. 10 on THE BLACK VAULT 'the three videos are commonly referred to as the “FLIR1,” “Gimbal” and “GoFast”,' were never declassified for release! That's right. The article in question is quoted as follows: "However, the Navy also asserts that the three videos were never cleared for public release, thus confirming the official stance of the Pentagon originally issued to The Black Vault in May of 2019, and contradicting TTSA’s widespread claims the U.S. government “declassified” the footage for public consumption." Wow! Taken in the context of who To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) is this may seem shocking to some. When one considers the big names, and former military involved in the project. The Huff Post reports: "To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science was founded by Tom DeLonge, the rock star formerly of Blink 182 and currently in the band Angels & Airwaves...
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DUTCH YOUTUBERS MEET THE CAMO DUDES These Dutch YouTubers seem be lacking a little thing called respect if you ask me. They claim they had no idea the whole Storm Area 51 thing was going on but yet the fellow has 735,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel What I find to be a rather Euro-sark attitude slips through when according to the New York Times one Dutchmen says "We are happy that we were able to buy our freedom for 500 dollars. But on the other hand there is of course the lawsuit coming on Monday" I guess we'll see about that 'lawsuit'. check out the latest podcast: