At least one UFO investigator thinks Area 51 could be going underground. The reports regarding the top secret military base that:

According to alien theorist and Ufologist Scott Waring, who runs the alien website and his own YouTube channel, he has discovered what looks like a newly-built underground base in the controversial government property.

The article goes on to quote Waring as saying: “I found something in Area 51 that appears to be a newly-built underground base. But why would the US government need another underground base there?”

Waring goes on to claim that he discovered an anomaly on Google Maps located approximately 50 to 55 miles northeast of the official boundaries of the base.  The article states: he also commented that the underground area has very complex, sliding doors. “These would be the perfect location for UFOs to arrive and leave, and it is very possible for another area to open-up,” he said. 

The article also notes that Mr. Waring located what he believes is 100 foot wide spacecraft located at Area 51 and shown on Google Maps back in 2010. You can find Mr. Waring's website at

Waring has posted this along with other pictures on his site which he says he believes show the new underground base at Area 51 and the surrounding area. It is important to note that these pictures come from google and are or at least were publicly available.

Date of discovery : May 2019Location of discovery: Area 51, NevadaCoordinates:,-115.440539,16z,map

Waring writes on his site: I was searching a map and looking over Area 51 when I noticed new construction on the map. This new location appears to be an underground base. On one end of the base is some huge air vents to pull fresh air down into the underground facility.

Waring further points out that he sees what he believes are two fields of genetically grown crops nearby and seems to wonder why the government would need an underground base to do this.

While the pictures are very interesting I'm not 100% convinced that this is an underground base with an attached open air grow operation for GMO's. However, that said the location itself is enough for concern. Also, the government makes no efforts to deny that they have built probably dozens of Deep Underground Military Bases within any number of mountains. Could this be another top secret DUMB hiding in plain view? I don't know that this is an underground base but I can tell you that I have no plans to 'storm' it anytime soon and neither should you!

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