Oregon's recent cattle mutilation remains a mystery but that does not seem to prevent law enforcement from mocking the curious who voice their opinion. While authorities put forth theories based on roving bands of cow killers who leave no tracks and use poison darts to drop their victims on the spot they heap scorn on citizens who ask about that the possibility of UFO's or alien involvement in said crimes. 

A recent article published on the COAST TO COAST AM website clearly demonstrates the disdain for citizens who have the audacity to suggest that some outside entity might be responsible for the recent cattle mutilations in Oregon. In light of a completely absent working theory for the crimes on the part of law enforcement one might wonder why they seem to be spending as much time debunking UFO theories as they are coming up with working ideas of their own.

This dismissive attitude in the referenced article can be found reprinted here:

 "...This was echoed at the time by chief investigator Dan Jenkins of the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, who mused that "whenever there's a case like this, all the conspiracy theorists come out." With two months having passed since the odd incident, it would seem that the officer's observation was rather prescient as his office has been inundated with callers offering a wide range of fantastic ideas for how and why the cattle could have been killed."

 Not content to dismiss UFO theorist the author goes on to give another jab with this quote:

 Jenkins noted to a local media outlet this week that, so far, "a lot of people lean toward the aliens" and revealed that he even received one call from someone who "told us to look for basically a depression under the carcass." He explained that the tipster's reasoning for the divots was that "the alien ships will kinda beam the cow up and do whatever they are going to do with it. Then they just drop them from a great height."

 The article ends by stating:

 Perhaps the most perplexing of them all is the theory that the cattle mutilations were the work of the North Vietnamese Army. Why, exactly, that outfit would want to slaughter five bulls in Oregon is a mystery that may be on par with the cattle mutilation phenomenon itself.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that muddying the waters with idiotic statements does not make the idiotic statement to 'be on par' with intelligent questions or curious minds. Idiotic statements are just that, idiotic and void of reason. In light of the fact that even the U.S. Navy now concedes that UFO's are real then it only stands to reason that some of those UFO's may be up to no good. For law enforcement and the media, especially media that is supposed to be open to the idea that UFO's exist, it does no good when they mock members of the general public for asking basic questions based on common sense and logic.

Now speaking of logic let us examine the three elements of a proper investigation, Means, Motive, and Opportunity as they relate to the recent Oregon cattle mutilation case. The current conversation seems to be going as follows:

Means: Law Enforcement's theory can be summed up as 'somebody killed some cattle'. How were they killed? Don't know, don't care. 

Methods: Did you you run any test on the dead cattle to determine the cause of death? Nope. Too late for that.

Opportunity: In light of the fact that there were no witnesses to the crime and no evidence of how the perpetrator managed to travel to this rather remote crimes scene without leaving any tracks how did you determine that the crime was caused by people as opposed to anything else? Shut up conspiracy theorist!

Asking questions does not automatically make one a conspiracy theorist. Neither should people be mocked by law enforcement and the media for simply asking questions about a crime scene.











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