WYOMING SKY-SERPENTS Multiple UFO sightings described as snake-like, undulating at high altitude are being reported yet again across the Northern United States. Some observers have taken to calling these UFO's Sky-Serpents. buckrail.com reports from Wyoming: " The Cowboy State has been named specifically in a recent rash of similarly-described Unidentified Flying Object[UFO] sightings across the United States. According to a report by KGAB AM650, month’s worth of UFO reports detail uniformly an elongated, serpent-like aerial phenomenon over a widespread area between Washington State and New York while listing the great State of Wyoming as a hot spot among the sightings. Officially first spotted in June over the Mojave Desert, the more recent high volume of sightings has caught the attention of international news outlets as well a spurred creative theorizing. Speculative voices wonder if the aerial objects might be balloons or kites, though both expla...
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