Storming Area 51 with cameras turned out to be not such a good idea for a couple of YouTuber's from the Netherlands. As was reported in an earlier podcast the two Dutchmen had bonded out of jail for $500 and were facing what one of the men called a 'lawsuit'. Both seemed agitated and annoyed that they were arrested and facing American Justice.
Subsequently FOX NEWS has reported:
" Govert Sweep, 21, and Ties Granzier, 20, were sentenced to one year in jail with all but 10 days suspended after they pleaded guilty to trespassing and illegal parking, both misdemeanor charges."
The illegal parking charges seems to stem from the fact that according to the article they were parked three miles inside the military base! They must not have been double parked though because all but three days of the ten days they were to serve under the plea agreement have been suspended.
The article goes on to report:
The pair told police that despite being able to read the warning signs that advised against trespassing, they wanted to see the facility.
This would seem to differ from earlier reports the the pair did not understand that they were trespassing. However as FOX points out the pair had a planned trip to Area 51 and even boasted about it on instagram with Granzier publishing the picture '... in front of the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam with the caption “now on to crazy recordings of crazy adventures [at] Area 51,” according to USA Today. The caption has since been changed.'
We also find out from the FOX news article linked above that the men were fined $2280 and lost all of their electronic equipment which included phones, camera, a drone ect. All in all it sounds as if the young men did have a rather crazy adventure that is not over yet!

listen to the podcast here
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