Judging from the video below one can not be sure the aliens, if they exist would even want to meet the zombies, I mean humans who are lined up at the gate to Area 51 and hanging out in the nearby towns. From videos posted on YouTube they seem more interested in indulging in Nevada's newly legalized weed and taking selfie's then investigating UFO's or aliens.

According to CBS news online

The article goes on to quote County Sheriff  Kerry Lee as saying about 1500 people had showed up to the various sites.

Keeping in mind that Area 51 is about a three hour drive from Las Vegas it is still within reach for any zombie who has access to a vehicle and a tank or two of gas.

According to the New York Times:

More than two million people had committed — at least on Facebook — to storming the secretive facility in the desert, drawing so much attention that an Air Force spokeswoman warned in July that trying to get into the off-limits area could would be “dangerous.”

One has to wonder how many of these two million were simply drunk texting their intentions. Judging from the videos posted on YouTube it would seem as though about 1.98 million of the original 2 have found sitting at home to be a better option then driving for hours if not days through the dessert to get high and maybe get arrested. After all most of them can imbibe in the newly legalized weed at home on the couch.

At the risk of sounding cynical the real danger of this whole Storm Area 51 debacle is that it puts genuine UFO investigators in a bad light. For years the main stream media has portrayed anyone who even reported a UFO as a quack or hick in need of dental work. Now, just as attitudes begin to change toward the UFO community the press, as they like to call themselves, jumps on the opportunity to redefine anyone curious about UFO's as drugged out zombies. Viewing these apparently  stoned young people joking about drugs, one even carrying a North Korean flag at the gate of Area 51, does not represent those who seriously investigate the UFO phenomena. I could go on but I am already too grumpy as it is.

Meanwhile there is important UFO news. It seems there is another Mt. Everest size hunk of something headed toward Earth. That's right, yet again another giant space object has been spotted racing toward earth just in time for us to do nothing about it. From what I have read this one will show up near Mars around October and be whizzing  by us shortly after. Now that's what I call an October surprise.

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