So just who or what are the MEN IN BLACK? describes them as follows:

Anonymous dark-clothed men who supposedly visit people who have reported an encounter with a UFO or an alien in order to prevent them publicizing it. ‘men in black suddenly appear on a UFO witness's doorstep’

Recently reports certainly lend credence to the notion that MEN IN BLACK or MIB's exsist. As reports:

 The U.S. Navy's acknowledgment that the 2004 videos of an encounter with a UFO were real has caused much consternation. Now, a new report says two "unknown individuals" told several Naval officers who witnessed the event, known as the USS Nimitz UFO incident, to delete evidence.

We are further informed by concerning the Nimitz UFO encounter:

After the data tapes were confiscated by the mysterious individuals, ship recorders also were wiped clean, say the new witnesses.

Remebering that this UFO encounter produced the now famous 'tic-tac' cockpit video that Tom Delonge's group ended up with and distributed across the internet with their company logo branded over it.

This leads to the question of what is Mr. Delonge and his company's connection to the MIB's if any. After all if the Nimitz evidence was seized by the MIB and we now know that Delonge and company ended up with exclusive possession of that evidence, i.e. the cockpit video, clearly there is some connection.

From the we learn:

 "In a new documentary, US government agents claim they spent decades giving fake evidence of extraterrestrials to gullible ufologists."

They go on to report:

" Mirage Men's chief coup is to land an actual man in black: a former Air Force special investigations officer named Richard Doty, who admits to having infiltrated UFO circles. A fellow UFO researcher says: "Doty had this wonderful way to sell it – 'I'm with the government. You cooperate with us and I'm going to tell you what the government really knows about UFOs, deep down in those vaults.'" Doty and his colleagues fed credulous ufologists lies and half-truths, knowing their fertile imaginations would do the rest. In return, they were apprised of chatter from the community, thus alerting the military when anyone was getting to close to their top-secret technology. And if the Soviets thought the US really was communing with aliens, all the better.

 The classic case, well-known to conspiracy aficionados, is Paul Bennewitz, a successful electronics entrepreneur in New Mexico. In 1979, Bennewitz started seeing strange lights in the sky, and picking up weird transmissions on his amateur equipment. The fact that he lived just across the road from Kirtland air force base should have set alarm bells ringing, but Bennewitz was convinced these phenomena were of extraterrestrial origin. Being a good patriot, he contacted the Air Force, who realised that, far from eavesdropping on ET, Bennewitz was inadvertently eavesdropping on them. Instead of making him stop, though, Doty and other officers told Bennewitz they were interested in his findings. That encouraged Bennewitz to dig deeper. Within a few years, he was interpreting alien languages, spotting crashed alien craft in the hills from his plane (he was an amateur pilot), and sounding the alert for a full-scale invasion. All the time, the investigators were surveilling him surveilling them. They gave Bennewitz computer software that "interpreted" the signals, and even dumped fake props for him to discover. The mania took over Bennewitz's life. In 1988, his family checked him into a psychiatric facility."

It seems as though the when the MIB aren't busy confiscating UFO evidence to farm out to their friends they are finding time to spread lies, disinformation and ruin the lives of vulnerable people. At any rate we may find the real life MEN IN BLACK  far more worrisome then the E.T. variety.


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